Created By Miles Compani

What is the EvacuBeacon?

The EvacuBeacon is an innovative device that both protects first responders during evacuation procedures of any kind AND makes the evacuation procedures more efficient!

Read this page to learn more about the EvacuBeacon!

Why Evacuation Procedures?

Evacuation procedures are extremely common, as they can be caused by natural disasters (wildfires, hurricanes, etc.) or large-scale accidents (chemical spills, power plant meltdowns, etc.).

When citizens are evacuating during these procedures, first responders as tasked with gathering information about and ensuring the safety of these citizens.

However, it is often a challenge for these first responders to understand which citizens have already evacuated, decided to remain behind, or need assistance with evacuating.

To overcome this challenge, many first responders travel to each and every home in an affected area, completing door to door evacuation checks.

However, not only is this process time consuming, but it can also be very unsafe for the first responders involved.

How Does the EvacuBeacon Work?

Using the EvacuBeacon is quite simple. First, attach it to your house, garage, gate, or another structure visible to first responders.

When an evacuation is called, you can select one of three displays to represent your evacuation status.

Left: The EvacuBeacon, featuring a siding mounting kit as its external shell, attached to a home's siding.

Right: The EvacuBeacon, featuring a magnetic container as its external shell, attached to a metallic gate.


Use the Green light to indicate if you have evacuated.


Use the Blue light to indicate if you will be remaining behind.


Use the Red light to indicate if you need assistance evacuating.

The EvacuBeacon's green (evacuated), blue (remaining behind), and red (require assistance) displays in use on a garage during nighttime.

What are the Effects of the EvacuBeacon?

In both the short-term and long-term, the EvacuBeacon's effects are simple - the device will save both lives and time.

What Next?

In the future, I plan to make several improvements to the EvacuBeacon's design.

Keep an eye out, because one day the EvacuBeacon may become available for purchase at a store near you!